Friday, September 11, 2009

Humanimal under the sea

Did you know that the image in your screen is true? yes its true, and i found this when i searching in the in tag name of "Real" then i found this image.
maybe we will ask to our self how and when its happen, even now i dont know how can i explained this in the near future right now, but one thing inside in my mind, for what happen and why it is happened? i dont pursue anyone to believe me for what im thought about this. just giving my idea and even you have idea share it guys..

We know that this thing is like a mermaid like in our epic story, before its happen or before we can see this anywhere we know that some people believed in a mermaid and of course, me too i believed, specially in my young age. as you can see its a human animal or its look like half human and half fish or maybe a mermaid like we thought.
In the middle of the sea theirs a lot of tragedy where some people die, tru crashing airplane, big boat like Titanic everywhere in this world, and we know the body of an Human was have a lot of parts of body to eat by a leaving things under the sea, together out stomach, heart etc. but one thing comes in my mind, we all know that our body contain a special sperm where the baby can mold tru sperm-cell of Man and egg-cell of woman, hehehe its Funny but its true..

now this idea push me in, to post this in my Blogs..

when the big fish ate the dead body of both human, their body comes one inside in the stomach of the big fish, or we can tell that the big fish eat the leaving human tru the sea, we know that the fish can have a sperm or even an egg-cell as they own inside their body. when the spermcell or eggcell of human and animal can meet inside the body of Big fish as my own thought they can evolved as a different living thing under the sea, like what you see in our image. i know i cant explained enough for what i want to post but if you get what i want you to know thank you for understand. plus, under the sea is very cold and thats why the human body can preserved as a fresh meat under the sea so any living animals under the sea especially the big fish ate that body with active sperm and egg-cell, they add their body as once that can evolved like an alien in the sea and what you see in our image. poor baby comes like that!!

there's a lot of miracle or to happen in our BIG WORLD.

Thanks for reading!!!

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